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How You Can Help

Young Stars Theatre Academy is a theatre company that has been created to provide opportunities and training for young performers (and sometimes adults).  Donations and Showgram sponsors help us provide multiple performance opportunities.  Our donors will receive special mention in show programs.  If you would like to help continue to provide young performers a place to hone their craft in a supportive environment, your donation is much appreciated!


Thank You to our YSTA Donors!



Yukiko Elegino

The Burke Family

The Bovelli Family

Helena Jacobson

Matthew Golden



Terre and Long Nguyen

Karen and Steve Blume

The Pinkerton Family




Jane Henriksen

The Lester Family

The Barr Family

The Shippey Family

Maureen Miller

I would like to become a:  

Supporter - $25-199      Angel - $200-499      Guardian - $500-999     Producer - $1000+


ANY donation amount is VERY appreciated!

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Thank you for your donation!

Program Sponsor Ads

Thank you so much for your help!  The actors that you are helping truly appreciate it.

And we would love to have you come see the shows!!

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